
Quick Start & Overview

This page gives a quick overview of all the important topics to get started with lasering with your Sculpfun laser. I have created in-depth pages on most topics on which...

En Por I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "autor" for "{{ autor }}" I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "contar" for "{{ contar }} comentario"

Safety Information

Before you start, you should be aware of some safety aspects. Although such lasers have become so cheap that everyone can afford them, they are still NO TOYS. So, you...

En Por I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "autor" for "{{ autor }}" I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "contar" for "{{ contar }} comentario"

Basic Principles

Getting started Within this guide, I currently will not cover the unboxing and assembly of the laser itself. Sculpfun (and competitors) has good tutorials, and there are multitudes on YouTube...

En Por I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "autor" for "{{ autor }}" I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "contar" for "{{ contar }} comentario"

Settings guide

The most common question in all forums and especially Facebook is “What settings do I need for my project?” However, you can only answer the question yourself. Foremost, no one...

En Por I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "autor" for "{{ autor }}" I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "contar" for "{{ contar }} comentario"